
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Marketing Plan Skylarknet a Wireless Essay

piano tuner mesh interlockinging is the latest tech in this field. meshing pro wireless networks allow for unprecedented freedom and mobility for a growing morsel of lap cover charge and PDA users who no longer imply wires to stay connected with their workplace and the Internet. Ironically, the very devices that provide radio receiver service to these clients need lots of wiring themselves to connect to private networks and the Internet. This wiring is costly to install and change, and deployment must be carefully computer programned and termd to pick at disruption to normal business operations.Permits or permissions may be required, and whence there are the laborious tasks of pulling, terminating and testing the copper wiring or fiber optic cabling. With all the work involved, it should not be impress that wiring can be the most expensive lot of a wireless network Indeed, the many obstacles associated with wiring are now preventing or delaying the deployment of wirele ss applications that could deliver a real competitive advantage or a high return on investmentor both. This merchandise plan provides an overview of implementing Wireless mesh topology Network (WMN) service for the first time in the suburban areas ofBangladesh. Wireless Mesh Network is an exciting unexampled engineering which has tremendous capability especially for a developing rude like Bangladesh. Quite a few African countries are already benefiting from this novel technology. Supported by the growing buying power, a number of desktop and laptop users in the suburban areas of Bangladesh are badly in need of high quality internet service. In the world of internet the best suitable option stands for the suburban areas is the wireless technology.We plan to crop as a service and equipment provider for the local ISP dealers and some institutional market such as university campus, NGO, hospitals and nursing home etc. As we are the pioneer of this new technology we conducted an i nsightful analysis of the adversarys position and their offerings. The trade plan starts with the situational analysis of the new market. remote and internal factor analysis (SWOT analysis) provides a irradiate picture of current scenario. Grameen Phone, Qubee, Banglalion, purrUltra are our main competitors.But the cost of their offering is much higher(prenominal) than ours. Because there lies a higher establishment cost. Eliminating wires dramatically reduces the implementation costs, and guideably simplifies on-going operations. Without wires, the network becomes far more adaptable and flexible. Thats why we focalise on the cost effectiveness and per peeance of the WMN service. We identify our come with as a market challenger and set some strategies suitable for the challengers. whatsoever pilot projects are planned to create the awareness among target customers.establish on these projects success gain ground promotional and pricing strategies are set. In the later part of the radical the feasibility of this marketing plan is warrant by the financial analysis. Expense and sales are forecasted for the next common chord years act oned by a break-even analysis. Overall monitoring and contingency plan (in the case of failure) completes the total planning for our company. Introduction In this world of groundbreaking technology, most people prefer not to connect computers with Ethernet cables because excessive cables unconnected throughout their office or home is unsightly.One can prefer to install a wireless network to avoid excessive cabling. For a wireless network, there is no need to use Ethernet cables to connect your computers to the digital subscriber line or router. Moreover, WLANs are available anywhere in the world at an affordable cost. In the suburban and rural areas Wireless tech suits best. Wireless mesh networking is the newest tech in wireless field. Our objective is to identify the potential suburban customers of Bangladesh who c an afford a cost-effective internet service. radical of the take inThis report has been prepared a requirement to fulfill the course. This report evaluates the business opportunity of latest wireless mesh network technology in the suburban areas of Bangladesh from service provider point of view. Objective of the Study The primary objective of this report is to fulfill the course requirement of trade Management. The secondary objective is to describe a detail marketing plan for a new technology. Limitation of the Study There is no authentic statistics about the potential number of internet users in the suburban areas of Bangladesh.As this is a new technology, the costs of the equipments vary depending on the antithetical manufacturers. We are making a new entry, so the estimation of potential market is base on the secondary data of other alive competitors rather than the primary data. Sales and expense is forecasted on the discretion of our part that may vary widely in real cas e implementation. unavailability of previous years financial report necessitates greater safety to mere guessing in some cases. Situational Analysis What is WMN (Wireless Mesh Network)?Mesh networks represent an emerging wireless networking technology that promises wider coverage than traditional wireless LANs and lower deployment and operation costs than 3G cellular networks. For these reasons, network operators and service providers consider mesh networking to be a serious candidate to solve the so called last mile problem. Some network operators worldwide prepare already started to deploy mesh based access networks offering nearly present and inexpensive wireless Internet connections to their customers. Examples are Ozones mesh network in Paris (www. zone. net/en/) and The Cloud in the urban center of London (www. thecloud. net). The real business potential lies in operator based mesh networks. By their systematic design, deployment, and maintenance, operator based mesh netw orks provide higher take aims of Quality-of-Service (QoS), meaning larger coverage, higher speed, and more reliable operation. In addition, it can be argued that mesh network operators in a habituated geographical area will cooperate in order to further optimize their costs and increase the QoS provided by their networks.The form of the cooperation can cheat from traditional roaming agreements to joint provision of specific services. Figure 1 Wireless Mesh Network Strategic planning is important because in well-run companies the death from the very top of the organization cumulation to where one is working should form a more-or-less unbroken chain (or hierarchy) of goals. At the top of the company the president and his or her staff set strategical goals. These goals should flow from top and make sense in terms of the goals at the next level up. Then the vice presidents subordinates set their own goals, and so on down the line.In this way, management creates a hierarchy or chai n of departmental goals, from the top down the lowest-ranked managers, and even employees. Then , if everyone does his or her job-if each salesperson sells his her quota, and the sales manager hires enough good salespeople, and the HR manager creates the amend incentive plan, and the purchasing head buysand CEO should also accomplish the overall, company-wide strategic goals. One could therefore say with great certainty that without a clear plan at the top, no one in the company would have the foggiest notion of what to do.Wireless Internet Market in Bangladesh Wireless Internet Service was first introduced to Bangladesh in public by cell mobilise giant Grameen Phone. Then other GSM mobile call operators like Banglalink, Aktel and Warid follow suit. Citycell, the only CDMA based mobile phone operator in Bangladesh introduced the Zoom internet service, which was a little different from the other mobile phone operators in that consumers could connect to internet by using a USB mod em include in the Zoom package. Later on Grameen Phone also introduced a package where they include an USB modem.

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