
Monday, February 18, 2019

Ecuador And Democracy :: essays research papers fc

Ecuador and commonwealthBriefly, democracy is a matter of degree and quality. Confusion oftenarises in discussion about democracy. This stems from the different premisespeople occupy in mind when they use the terminal. In my opinion, most people fail to demarcate their underlying premises, and we often incorporate into our sense ofdemocracy disparate factors that whitethorn or may not relate to it. To avoid suchconfusion, we mustiness identify the key ideas central to democracy and clarifyprecisely how the term will be used. The best way to study democracy is to specify the other countries, so in this time I choose 1 of Latin the Statesncountries, Ecuador for well-understanding of the process of democracy.Ecuador is graphically one of the worlds most varied countries despiteits teentsy size, which at 283520 sq. km is about the size of all New Zealandor Nevada State. Ecuador staddles the equator on the Pacific coast of randomnessAmerica and is bordered by only two countries, Colombia to the north and Peru tothe south and east.The estimated race of Ecuador in 1991 was 10,800,00. This isapproximately 10 times the number of Indian estimated to have been living in thearea at the time of the Spanish conquest. The cosmos density of about 38people per sq. km is the highest of any South American nation.Like other Latin American countries, the major religion is RomanCatholicism. Some of the older cities have splendid 16th and 17th-centuryCatholic churches. Although churches of other faiths can found, they form onlya very small minority. The Indians, while outwardly Roman Catholic, tend toblend Catholicism with their traditional beliefs. In Ecuador, Spanish is themain language. Most Indians are bilingual, with Quechua being their best-lovedlanguage and Spanish their second tongue.Ecuador, that is the smallest of the Andean countries, is a republicwith a democratic government headed by a chairwoman. The first constitution was indite in 1830, but has had severa l changes since then, the most recent in 1978.democratically elected governments have regularly been toppled by coups, oftenled by the military. Since 1979, however, all governments have been freelyelected. All literate citizens over 18 have the vote and the president mustreceive over 50% of the vote to be elected. With at least 13 different governmental parties, 50% of the vote is rarely achieved, in which case there is asecond round between the top two contenders. A president governs for a maximumof five years and cannot be reelected.The recent elections were in 1988, with 10 candidates running for

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